Chonburi NACC holds Anti-Corruption Day events


The Chonburi office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission organized nine days of events to mark the United Nations’ Anti-Corruption Day to empower the public and private sector to fight graft.

Gov. Khomsan Ekachai led the Dec. 9 event at the King Rama V monument. Anti-Corruption Day was begun by the UN in 2003 with the signing of 191 countries, including Thailand, of the Convention Against Corruption.

Say no to corruption - The Chonburi office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission organized nine days of events to empower the public and private sector to fight graft.Say no to corruption – The Chonburi office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission organized nine days of events to empower the public and private sector to fight graft.

The NACC organized a series of events Dec. 1-9 in dedication of HM the King and to build awareness of corruption, justice and transparency in Thai society, encouraging citizens to not resort to corruption and have the courage to stand against all forms of graft.

These efforts will help decrease corruption issues in Thailand, the NACC said, keeping in mind that if corruption is allowed to exist, disaster will fall on not only the nation but citizens too.

Thailand moved up 17 places to 85th the recently released Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index rankings, but its actual score only increased by two out of 100 points. More than two thirds of the 175 surveyed countries scored below 50.

Khomsan said the NACC’s events are a good sign for Chonburi since all sectors participated with determination to fight against corruption.