Time Gentlemen Please!


Dear Hillary,

I dropped into a ‘Gentleman’s Club’ the other evening. It was fairly late and some of the fellows there were obviously a little the worse for wear. The girls were doing what they do best, and money was coming out of one guy’s wallet like a vacuum cleaner was in there. When he and his mates went to leave there was an argument about how much they had spent and a security guy came in and was threatening them. They were from Scandinavia and it was a right mess. I didn’t know what to do, so I just paid my bin and left. Thinking about this later, do you think I should have tried to do something at the time?



Dear Ernie,

As they say – Discretion is always the better part of valor. Another motto to remember – never try and reason with drunks! You did the right thing Ernie. Anyway, the Scandy’s can look after themselves pretty well. All those years rowing the long boats made them pretty fit and hardy, and they do enjoy a fight now and again!