Staying dry


Dear Hillary,

Songkran is over (just) and I am happy that I only celebrated this festival on one day. The rest of the time I stayed indoors, while her indoors went out and got wet. Felt sorry for the taxi motorcycle riders, they wouldn’t have made much money for the duration. The road toll was dreadful, as usual. Why do they go through this every year?


Dear James,

What you are forgetting my Petal, is the week is Thai New Year. Just like you celebrate Xmas and New Year, we have our unique celebration as well, but it isn’t something we “celebrate” but we say we “play” Songkran. This is then a family celebration, and “family” rates high in Thai culture. Westerners who don’t want to get wet are way down the list, I’m afraid. Either go somewhere for that week, or stay and stop complaining.