Ripped off department


Dear Hillary,

Further to some of your correspondent’s woes with Thai females. No need to be confused it’s happened to all of us at one time or another. This week’s word is “Back Dooring.” As one walks out the front there is someone waiting out back.

Here are some other things to look out for:

Your girlfriend phones and tells you she is in Bangkok, when in fact she is at Naklua with her German lover.

Arriving late for work? She was stopped by police who will keep her m/bike until she pays a fine. You pay for me teerak?

You give her the money and she adds it to the wad she has made for the afternoon’s “short times”.

These women know their time is short so they must make a nest egg before they lose their looks. Some say they live from day to day and spend all their money, but be assured Mom is getting her share and when the time comes to quit, there will be a piece of land and a house waiting for them in Buriram.

Thai logic is not like ours and you will be forever confused by it, so lay back and enjoy life here and keep the key to the back door in a safe place. (No you jerk, not in your wallet.)



Dear Brian,

You have certainly been around, haven’t you, my Petal, and I thank you for helping educate some of the newbies. But you shouldn’t be too hard on our ladies of the night. They have chosen that line of business, and remember that it can be a business to do pleasure with you, or some similar quotation.