Maid problems


Dear Hillary,

Maid problems this week. After looking as if this was the wonder-maid, she now is spending more time on her mobile and less time on my kitchen. I’ve met her husband, and he’s a big chap, and carries a gun, so I don’t want to cross him. What do you suggest is the best way of fixing this problem? She only comes one day a week and there’s only my wife and I in the flat so it’s not difficult. How do I get her to work better? Or should I just sack her? And how do I avoid being shot?


Dear Mark,

Yes, you don’t want to end up as the target in the target practice days. This is a real problem, but you have options. You get your wife to say she wants more work done. You complain about little things every week, making her lose face. Or you can say that your wife wants to look after the flat. Whatever way you decide on will cost you at least three month’s salary. Be prepared.