Is this a troll?


Dear Hillary,

Unlike the usual guys who write to you complaining about their unfaithful girlfriend, I have twice the problem – two unfaithful girlfriends! What makes my problem even more tricky, is they don’t know about each other. I have their overnights on different days – one on even number days and the other on odd numbers. Sundays I have off for me, and a little dalliance at times. There’s nothing wrong with that. So, should I kick out number 1 or number 2 or both? Or should I just toss a coin?

Sunday, Sunday


Dear Sunday, Sunday,

It is obvious to me that you should use the coin tossing method, because you do sound like a bit of a tosser my Petal. Either that or you are trying to pull my leg, and you can stop imagining about my legs. Whatever, I do think this was a troll post.