Getting children, the ‘easy’ way


Dear Hillary,

I am not a Thai person, but I sure as hell would like a half Thai kid to raise.  I think these half and half children grow up to be such handsome people.  Only one problem, I don’t have a regular girlfriend who feels the same way.  You interested in having a kid, Hillary?  Just sign me,

Dad in Waiting

Dear D in W,

You have to be pulling my leg, Petal.  Me have your child?  Sorry, but I was spayed many years ago.  So you’ve got this paternal urge, but you seem to forget it takes two to tango, and the breeding stock mare should be someone to guarantee a good line.  This is also not something you do on a quiet Sunday afternoon, though as they say, “If you don’t copulate you won’t populate,” so Sunday afternoon might be the auspicious time.  However, if you really would like to assist some Thai children, as a ‘parent’, then look at assisting in some of the orphanages as a volunteer.  But cha-cha (go slowly) Petal.  The upkeep of children is not easy, physically or financially.