Counting the change


Dear Hillary,

I’ve been with the same girl now for almost a year, everything OK till recently when I noticed the container I keep the change in was looking low. I quietly counted up the 10 baht coins, and sure enough there was quite a few missing. I asked the GF had she taken any coins and she said it must have been the maid. This woman comes once a week, and the missing money was not on a Wednesday, but any day. Just in case it was more than small change I began to keep a careful note of how much was in my wallet at night, and 20-30 baht is missing on a regular basis. Should I confront the maid, but she’s only here one day a week. Should I confront the GF who blames the maid? Or should I just ignore it altogether?


Dear Clark,

If you ignore it, it will not get any better, it will just get worse. You have already confirmed it isn’t the maid, so is there anyone else in the house? Kids? Neighbors? Nothing is going to make this situation any better, Petal. Tell the GF that “someone” is stealing money, so you aren’t going to keep a change container any more. Don’t mention the notes out of the wallet, but keep following the amount of money you keep in your wallet. I have a feeling that your days with the GF are numbered. Sorry.