Checking the cup


Dear Hillary,

I will come clean right off and say that I do spend a fair bit of time at night in the bars.  I am single, and it’s a good way to meet people.  The old bill in the cup routine I think is very good because it shows that the bar trusts you not to lose a couple before you pay at the end of the night.  Recently though I have been getting the feeling that my bill is not right, because it seems to be a lot more than I thought it should be.  Is it OK to check the amount yourself before the girl takes the cup to the cashier?  I don’t want them to think I don’t trust them, when they are trusting me.  What is the usual thing?

Unsure Drinker


Dear Unsure,

How old are you, Petunia?  Are you really old enough to go to bars?  It is your bill, for the drinks you bought and consumed, plus any “lady drinks” that the nice people you meet drank as well.  Most bars will total up your drinks bills and write this on the back of the bunch of bills, plus what size bill you paid it with.  But you are the consumer, so you are entitled to check the bill(s).  You will find most Thai people will very carefully check every docket, so don’t be shy if you think you are being ripped off.