Bubbles, baubles and bon-bons


Dear Hillary,

Lots of long faces everywhere, but not mine.  I think many people talk themselves into feeling down, but I read you every week and I always get a smile, reading about how these guys end up in the same sort of trouble every week.  How do you keep a straight face some days, Hillary?  Have a great Christmas and New Year.  I’m stuck in the US this year, but I’ll be over later in 2012 and I’ll bring some bubbles and bon-bons with me.  All the best.


Dear Chuck,

Thank you, my Petal, for being a regular reader, and I shall await the promised bubbles and baubles.  As you say, there are plenty of long faces around, especially with the downturn from the floods, but by staying positive you have a much greater chance of finding the way through the financial mess.  By the way, don’t worry about chilling the wine, the fridge in my office works well, but keep the bon-bons in a cool place!