Vitamins cocktail infusion at Dr. Olivier Clinic


Very few among us have never dealt with the pain of the morning following a big party the night before… hangover is a very disagreeable physical feeling following heavy consumption of alcohol and/or the use of other substances. We’ve all desperately looked for a way to help out to feel better ASAP. Best is of course to drink alcohol with moderation.

Vitamins cocktail infusion makes us feel much better very quickly!

More and more exhausted or chronic fatigue suffering people are heading to private clinics and getting hooked up to a vitamin infusion or energy-boosting cocktail infusion. The technique was fueled, in part, by a photo that pop star Rihanna tweeted with her arm hooked up to an intravenous drip. Turns out she was enjoying the so-called “party-girl drip.” Other A-list celebrities that have reportedly jumped on the liquid vitamin bandwagon include Simon Cowell, Cindy Crawford and Madonna. Many tired people also get infusion vitamins before events or parties they must attend and be at their best.

So, what is this infusion?

It’s a solution of vitamins and minerals called “Myers’ Cocktail”, invented over 30 years ago by physician John Myers of Baltimore. It contains magnesium, calcium, various B vitamins and vitamin C. The vitamins and minerals are typically given in much larger doses than present in vitamin pills. Other vitamins or ingredients may be added to the Myers’ Cocktail protocol, “customizing” it to the patient’s diagnosis and overall health as well as the condition being treated.

Time spent at Dr. Olivier Clinic is only 30-60 minutes for the whole procedure. Vitamins infusion can be done 1-2 times a week.

Cost is 3,000 baht for one infusion and 5,000 baht for couples coming together (2 infusions).

Promotion: pay 6,000 baht and get 3 infusions, no time limit.

IV vitamin therapy is also useful in improving different conditions, including:

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with or without Epstein-Barr virus

Chronic depression

Acute or chronic muscle spasm


Migraine headaches

Tension headaches

Narcotic withdrawal

Seasonal allergic rhinitis

Respiratory problems

Acute or chronic asthma



Cardiovascular disease

Ischemic vascular disease

Congestive heart failure

Athletes who need quick recovery for athletic events

Acute viral illness/colds

Acute infections