Thailand celebrates Earth Day 2018


Bangkok – The Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment celebrated Earth Day 2018 on Sunday to raise awareness of environmental protection and to urge people to decrease their use of plastic.

Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Gen. Surasak Kanchanarat, said the “End Plastic Pollution” has been chosen as the theme of Earth Day this year. Plastic pollution has become an important environmental crisis like global warming, he said.

The minister added that plastic waste in Thailand accounts for 12% of total waste or two million tons a year. Only 500,000 tons are recycled each year and the remaining 1.5 million tons are buried or burnt. Some of the plastic waste is left in the environment.

For the second time, Thailand has been ranked sixth for the excessive dumping of plastic waste into the sea. This is why the ministry and partners have to raise plastic pollution awareness among people, particularly the young, and instill the need for change.

An exhibition titled “Plastic Waste Crisis, Global Warmimg Crisis” is being held from now until 28 April at the Bangkok Art and Culture Center.