Special Report: Foreign investors expect economic recovery in Thailand


The Joint Foreign Chambers of Commerce in Thailand (JFCCT) have agreed that the business ambiance in Thailand has not changed significantly since the establishment of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO). 

At a press conference on “Confidence in Thailand” at Grand Hyatt Erawan Bangkok, JFCCT revealed opinions of the foreign business community in Thailand on trade and investment in the country during the current situation.

The speakers included Mr. Stanley Kang, Advisor of the Board of Trade of Thailand and Chairman of JFCCT, Mr. Brian Sinclair-Thompson, Vice Chairman of JFCCT, Mrs. Vibeke Lyssand Leirvag Conselvan, President of the Thai-Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, and Mr. Yeap Swee Chuan, President of the Malaysian-Thai Chamber of Commerce.

Attending the conference were representatives from various chambers of commerce in Thailand such as those of India, Russia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, and the Republic of Korea.

Mr. Sinclair-Thompson said that any negative effect on the economy has resulted from conflicts originated years ago. However, the focus is now shifting towards recovery and it is expected that business will pick up in the months to come. This is chiefly because the Thai economy is resilient to crises and Thailand has strong fundamentals to continue to facilitate business operations. In addition, Mr. Chuan of the Malaysian-Thai Chamber of Commerce asserted that Thailand still provides a safe environment for business to continue as usual.

As for ways to regain confidence from the international community, Mr. Sinclair-Thompson suggested that Thailand must step up its efforts to invite tourists and business individuals to come and see the situation first-hand. Infrastructure development, such as that concerning airport and transportation facilities, is also needed to meet the growing demand.

Mrs. Conselvan from Norway stressed that it is essential for Thailand to encourage proper understanding of the current situation among foreigners and companies currently doing businesses in the country, as they can play a key role in communicating with prospective foreign investors.

The forum also agreed that the current development has only little impact on business dealings in Thailand, and they are looking forward to strong recovery as the situation has now been stabilized.

JFCCT also urged Thai people to come together with foreign businesses in Thailand and work as a team in pushing forward the recovery Thailand deserves.