Small investors show significant confidence in Thailand in May


BANGKOK, 12 May 2015 – The Federation of Thai Capital Market Organization (FETCO) has revealed that the investor confidence index has increased by 30 percent in May from a previous month.

The recent survey by FETCO has indicated that the index this month has risen from April to 102.72 points. The figure also means that the confidence level will remain positive within the next three months.

The confidence levels among small investors have improved significantly, while large foreign investors have become less confident in the country. Most are interested in the energy sector and infrastructure development projects.

On the other hand, their least favorite investment was in the agro-industry.

FETCO believed the economy will expand by 3.4 percent, due in part to the government’s continuous stimulus programs and the Bank of Thailand’s lower interest rate policy. It added that the export sector will likely remain sluggish this year.