Red qipao unpopular in sea of black


With most Thais still wearing black, brilliant red and gold qipao dresses didn’t sell well for Chinese New Year. One Naklua dressmaker said the year-long mourning period for HM King Bhumibol has depressed the market for red.

With most Thais still wearing black, brilliant red and gold qipao dresses didn’t sell well for Chinese New Year.
With most Thais still wearing black, brilliant red and gold qipao dresses didn’t sell well for Chinese New Year.

Gold dresses sold better than red, however, as it is less of a festive color, making its wearing more acceptable during the mourning period.

In light of circumstances, the shop kept prices at the same level as last year, 300-500 baht based on size.

Another factor in the slower sales was said to be the drop in Chinese tourists due to the ban on cheap tours. Chinese teachers were buyers, but tour guides were absent.