Labor Ministry poised to take better care of Thai & alien workers


Labor Minister Surasak Kanjanarat last wee took his time slot to spell out the Ministry of Labor’s policy to the improve well-being of Thai and alien workers during the government’s weekly talk program broadcast on radio and television stations nationwide.

Gen Surasak disclosed that the Ministry of Labor had already set up employment service centers for Thai job seekers in the provinces of Bangkok, Songkla and Nakhon Ratchasima, adding that those in Rayong, Nakhon and Chiang Mai were on the way. The Ministry has also planned to erect similar centers across the country.

Labor Minister Surasak Kanjanarat.

Gen Surasak said employment services offered by the Labor Ministry would also apply to freelance workers and the physically-challenged to ensure access to suitable jobs for people of all groups.

Regarding the issue of foreign workers, the Ministry has decided to revise some regulations to enable entrepreneurs to better cope with the lack of foreign labor in certain sectors. Among its attempts are the documentation of alien workers and the reduction of the returning-home period of Burmese workers having worked in the Kingdom for two years to 30 days instead of three years.

The Ministry is in the process of issuing labor protection laws and is also speeding up plans to improve the safety and social security for workers.