Chiang Mai Chamber of Commerce: Thailand’s economy will come back to life after short-term obstruction


CHIANG MAI, 30 May 2014  – Since the military seized power in Thailand, tourism business has been affected in the short-term and it is hoped that foreign countries will come back later, according to Chiang Mai Chamber of Commerce President Chalermchart Nakarunghul.

Mr. Chalermchart said that tourists would likely be alarmed with the coup d’etat, which normally is a violent occurrence in other countries’ view, whereas the coup in Thailand has been bloodless thus far. He added that there are people who believe that the coup has effective this time when Thailand faced an otherwise critical political situation.

He also suggests that the junta also instantly resolve economic problems such as the rice mortgage scheme, which will benefit the overall Thai economy, and that they should move forward with the high speed rail and dual gauge project, which are also necessary for improved ASEAN economic connections in the future.