Agenda for mobile cabinet meeting cover logistics and raise of product standards


Lopburi, 1st November 2013  – The proposals by private sectors aimed at encouraging trade and investment through provincial and regional logistics networks as well as boosting the tourism, services, and health sectors as well as raising the standards of product safety, have been discussed in the mobile cabinet meeting in Lopburi province. 

Many agendas were discussed at the meeting, including raising the standards of food safety and food manufacturing process, as the northern part of the Central region provinces such as Lopburi, Sing Buri, Ang Thong and Chai Nat are considered hubs of agriculture for domestic consumption and exports.

The development of this industry is vital to the growth of the Thai economy. Food manufacturing process and safety standards must be raised. As for logistics projects, the 7 projects to be developed include the expansion into four lanes of Highway 3195,the 19-kilometer-long Lopburi bypass, the 13- kilometer-long Northern Lopburi bypass, the expansion of an inter provincial network, the improvement of the Chai Nat multi-level junction, the study of the new highway structure, and the project for the Paholyothin road structure .

Moreover, the Andaman rail project will also be pushed forward. During the visit to Lopburi province, the Prime Minister also paid homage to the statue of King Narai the Great and Phra Kan( พระกาฬ) Shrine in Muang District.