Natter Nosh and Noggin


Bugatti 35B

Where do the local car/bike/racing/enthusiast chaps go to chat amongst themselves?  The next car meeting will be at Jameson’s Irish Pub on Soi AR next to the Nova Park development.  The monthly meetings are on the second Monday of the month, so this week it is on November 8 at Jameson’s at 7 p.m.  This is a totally informal meeting of like-minded souls to discuss their pet motoring (and motorcycling) loves and hates.  Many interesting debates come from these evenings.  Come along and meet guys who have a common interest in cars and bikes, and enjoy the Jameson’s specials, washed down with a few beers.  A great no-pressure evening.  We would certainly welcome the local enthusiasts who enter the Autotrivia Quiz, and last month a chap bobbed up who is building a Bugatti Type 35B – from the ground up.  As he said, “Of the 285 Type 35’s that were made, only 602 still are in existence.”