Bahrain GP cancelled


I began this item two weeks ago.  The political situation then in Bahrain was decidedly fluctuant. For the motor racing fraternity the possible cancellation of the first GP of the year was not a question of political importance, but it should have been.

With travel advisory warnings being given, this means that there is no travel insurance to cover foreign nationals visiting the Middle East.  Would you jeopardize a complete race team in such dangerous situations?

No, the political situation is none of ‘our’ business, and not one that we can possibly understand totally.  But ‘danger’ is one that the motor racing world understands, and we strive to lessen the dangers of our sport.  There being nothing that ‘we’ can do to lessen the dangers in going to a country in turmoil, the simple answer is ‘we’ should stay away.

Bahrain grid. Bahrain grid.

Red Bull’s Mark Webber stated, quite correctly, that “… as always you don’t really know the whole picture if you’re not there.  So let’s see what happens.  I’m sure the right decision will be made in terms of us.  We know in terms of Formula 1 and priorities we’re not high on the list, they’ve got other things that clearly should come first.”  Well said, Mark Webber.

So the opener for the 2011 season has been cancelled – or postponed – that is the question. Since there is big money hanging on the final decision, I predict that Bahrain will be sandwiched in between two other GPs towards the end of the year.  No matter how boring it is as an event.