Autotrivia quiz


Last week I asked about motoring up the highest road in the world, right to the edge of an active volcano. I asked where is it and what height is it above sea level. Remember I am asking for an active volcano. The correct answer is Uturuncu in Bolivia which is 18,923 feet above sea level. This is the highest made road in the world.

So to this week. I mentioned the forthcoming W Series, so let’s look at women drivers. Which woman driver steered a Ford Escort Mk 1 at the famous Bathurst race sponsored by a women’s magazine, and how many times a month was the magazine published?

Be the first correct answer to email automania@ or viacars And in addition, if you are a Pattaya resident, the closest correct answer will win a free voucher for Casa Pascal’s Breakfast BBQ. One local resident wrote back to say he had enjoyed the Casa Pascal BBQ brunch and went so far as to say it is the best breakfast in Thailand. Good luck!