Pattaya Players calls special general meeting


In view of recent developments and subsequent Committee resignations, local amateur dramatics group the Pattaya Players will be holding a Special General Meeting on Wednesday, 19th November, 2014 at 7.00 p.m. at the Eastern Grand Palace Hotel, Soi Kho Talo, in the large open air room next to the swimming pool.

The purpose of this meeting will be to fill the vacant places on the Committee and to ratify those positions for which nominations have already been received and also to consider plans for next year’s productions.

The vacant positions are: Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Treasurer.

Those for which nominations have already been received are: Secretary, Public Relations and Thai Co-ordinator.

None Committee positions that are vacant, but can be co-opted when necessary, are: Sound and lighting technician and set design and erection technician.

All these positions can be filled by acting or non-acting members.  Persons interested in taking on any of these positions, or just wishing to show support or interest are invited to attend.

For more information, email to: [email protected].