Hard Rock Café celebrates 42nd anniversary


Pattaya’s Hard Rock Hotel celebrated the 42nd anniversary of the opening of the first-ever Hard Rock Café in London by planting trees in Sattahip and providing lunch to students in Huay Yai.

Managers and employees of the beachfront hotel traveled June 14 to the Khao Chi-On non-hunting area in Sattahip to plant 100 hairy-leafed apitong, padauk, Siamese rosewood and bullet wood trees.  Under a scorching sun, everyone joined in digging holes and planting saplings to uphold the Hard Rock’s corporate motto of “Save the Planet.”

Hard Rock staff pose for a group photo at the Khao Chi-On non-hunting area in Sattahip, June 14.Hard Rock staff pose for a group photo at the Khao Chi-On non-hunting area in Sattahip, June 14.

Hunting area director Thitikorn Kittinanda said the park was founded by HM the King and “it is all of our responsibility to care for it.  Due to sandy and arid soil and the low level of precipitation, the trees cannot grow well and it needs our help to keep its ecosystem sustainable.”

The hotel plans to return to the park periodically to check the growth of the saplings and the conditions of this piece of land for three years.

Staff members planted 100 trees in the in the park founded by HM the King.Staff members planted 100 trees in the in the park founded by HM the King.

After dark, the Hard Rock celebrated the anniversary with a party featuring a burger-eating competition and stage show from employees.

The party wrapped a busy week of events organized for the anniversary.  Three days before the party, staffers went to Ban Huay Yai School to provide lunch for 350 kids.  The “lunchbox” program runs monthly at the hotel, funded by donations from guests and employees.

Hard Rock employees provided lunch for 350 children at the Ban Huay Yai School.Hard Rock employees provided lunch for 350 children at the Ban Huay Yai School.

Staff members served up their own brand of entertainment for the anniversary party.Staff members served up their own brand of entertainment for the anniversary party.

‘Love All Serve All’ is one of the founding concepts of the Hard Rock philosophy.‘Love All Serve All’ is one of the founding concepts of the Hard Rock philosophy.