German Film Festival kicks off this weekend at dusitD2 baraquda rooftop


The dusitD2 baraquda pattaya — in collaboration with the Goethe-Institute and the Embassy of Germany is set to host the “Pattaya Rooftop Film Fest 2012” in honour of the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Thailand and Germany.

The month long festival gets underway this Friday, February 3, with a showing of the acclaimed film “Good bye, Lenin”, with subsequent movies to be shown each Friday until March 2, 2012.

Next Friday’s movie will be the 2002 release “Elefantenherz”.  A brief synopsis of both movies can be found on this page.

There is no admission fee for The Pattaya Rooftop Film Festival; guests can simply enjoy a selection of drink packages available on each night.

For more information or reservations please contact Tel. 038 769 999 or Email: [email protected]

Good bye, Lenin! (2003), Director: Wolfgang Becker, colour, 120 Min.

East Germany, the year 1989: A young man protests against the regime.  His mother watches the police arresting him and suffers a heart attack and falls into a coma.  Some months later, the GDR does not exist anymore and the mother awakes.  Since she has to avoid every excitement, the son tries to set up the GDR again for her in their flat.  But the world has changed a lot.  Written by Benjamin Stello

Two traumatic events affect the life of East Berliner, Christiane Kerner.  First, in 1978, her husband, Robert, runs off to freedom and another woman in the West, leaving her to take care of their two adolescent children, Ariane and Alex, by herself.  Always a good Socialist, Christiane devotes her life to the cause as a symbol of anger toward her husband.  And second, in 1989, she sees a now grown Alex marching in an anti-Berlin Wall demonstration and being hauled off by police.  As a result, she suffers a heart attack and goes into a coma.

While Christiane is in her coma, Germany drastically changes with the Wall coming down and the imminent official reunification of East and West into one.  The Kerner’s personal life also changes with all aspects of the new found capitalist world infiltrating their home.

When Christiane emerges from her coma eight months later, her health situation is still tenuous.  Any shock she experiences could possibly lead to another heart attack and certain death.  To protect his mother, Alex decides not to tell her of the new Germany in which they live.  He feels he can better protect her at home, where he can control what she is exposed to.

Although most around him don’t support the idea – including Ariane and Lara (Alex’s Russian immigrant girlfriend who is also Christiane’s nurse) – they go along with the extreme measures Alex goes to to recreate East Germany in their home.  How long can they keep up the ruse?

“It is not a step-by-step chronicle of German reunification, but it gives a perspective of the time.  It’s a bonus that this comes as part of an engrossing and well told story. Good Bye, Lenin! is unquestionably worth the price of admission.”


1. Good bye Lenin

Buch: Benjamin Stello

Regie: Wolfgang Becker

Ostdeutschland im Jahr 1989: Ein junger Mann wird bein Protestaktionen gegen das Regime verhaftet  – und seine Mutter sieht es im Fernsehen. Daraufhin erleidet sie einen Herzinfarkt. Einige Monate später erwacht sie wieder, aber ihre Welt hat sich verändert. Um ihr, der treuen Kommunistin, die bereits ihren Mann an den Westen und eine andere Frau verloren hat,  eine zweite Attacke zu ersparen, lügen ihr der Sohn und seine Freundin, eine Russin, vor, dass es Ostdeutschland noch immer gibt. Aber wie lange können sie diese Lüge aufrecht erhalten? 

Elefantenherz (2002), Director:

Züli Aladag, colour, 100 minutes, English subtitles

Duisberg lad Marko works a tedious day job and still lives at home, where everyone tiptoes around the alcoholic outbursts of unemployed dad.  Marko’s only joy comes from training at the local gym, where amateurs dream of hitting the big time.

To Marko’s surprise, somewhat shady promoter Gerd offers to add him to his pro stable.  But promising as he is, Marko tends to lose discipline and simply run on rage in the ring, getting trounced in his first real match.  As a consequence he’s forced into playing enforcer for his mentor’s protection rackets, just as things go from bad to worse at home.

2. Elefantenherz

Director: Züli Aladag

Mit seinem jähzornigen Alkoholiker-Vater, der hilflosen Mutter und seiner Schwester lebt der 19-jährige Marko in einer tristen Duisburger Hochhaussiedlung.

Einen Ausweg aus der desolaten Situation bietet der Boxring, wo Markos erkennbares Talent bald nicht nur die Aufmerksamkeit von Trainer und Kumpel weckt. Als ihm der halbseidene Boxpromoter Hermsbach ein verlockendes Angebot macht, sieht Marko seine große Chance gekommen.