HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

A visitor

Pick-pockets strike again

A visitor

Dear Mail,
We have a wonderful beautiful visitor in OYMC who is a long way from home. This 90 (approx) foot schooner is from Grand Turk, Turk & Caicos Islands (UK) West Indies. She is also flying a Canadian Flag.
As an aside, if you complain, then you must also congratulate. Well done mayor for tiding up the rubbish dumping on Soi Wat Boon wooded area.
Matt Anderson

Pick-pockets strike again

Dear Editor;
I have been the victim of what appears to be an organised gang of pick-pockets. We had been shopping in the South Pattaya area and caught a baht bus in Soi Buakhaw. A group of Thai women got on a few yards further up the road and were talking to us on the bus. I have had experience of this happening before so was careful for the wallet in my buttoned down pocket. The wallet was still in my pocket when I left the baht bus as I checked for it. As I paid the driver one of the Thai women came round to pay as I thought and Jill who was standing on the footpath was suspicious and told me to check my pocket. My wallet was missing and the woman got on a motorbike which was waiting there and they shot off.
I know that there is nothing that can be done now but can you get a letter/article printed in the newspaper to warn others of this group? As I said I believe this group to be organised as the motorbike was there for them to get on.
I have cancelled the bank cards which were in the wallet.

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