Children from the Pakkred home enjoy Rotary’s 10th “Kids’ Day Out” at Royal Varuna Yacht Club
200 children treated to a day of a lifetime
Staff Reporters
Each year since the first in March, 1997, Rotarians from the Rotary Club
of Bangkok South have taken disadvantaged children from their Pakkred
foster home, some 15 kilometres outside Bangkok, and escorted the little
ones to the Royal Varuna Yacht Club for a day of fun and feasting at the
seaside. This year the event took place on March 23, and over 200
underprivileged children from Pakkred enjoyed a day they will most
likely remember for a long time to come.
Once again this year, a legion of Rotarians rode with the children,
their nurses, teachers, keepers and the staff of the Pakkred Home, in a
convoy of buses to the gates of Royal Varuna, opened in welcome.
Local Rotarians joined forces with the Bangkok South group to ensure
that the children had a most enjoyable, safe and memorable trip to the
seashore, one of the very few outings these little people have during
the course of a year.
On arrival at Varuna, they played in the sea and in the club swimming
pool, while those who didn’t want to go into the water played on the
club’s spacious lawn. This year a novelty was the toy trains provided
for the children to drive around on the grass, and there were plenty of
other toys and games. All felt the caress of the warm south wind on
their faces - many for the first time - and enjoyed life like any child,
anywhere - if only for a day.
Meanwhile, their benefactors, the Rotary Club of Bangkok South, always
have just as much fun.
Rotarians were out in full force, also, to help the youngsters enjoy
their special day, catering to their every need, serving them food,
drinks and, of course, an unlimited supply of ice cream which they
relished (as did most of the Rotarians and the Royal Varuna staff!).
Mr Penguin the clown / magician was there to entertain the little ones
who simply exploded in laughter at each and every well-rehearsed
routine. No wonder he comes back each year to Varuna: he has a most
appreciative - and ready-made audience.
Another swim, fun and games on the seafront grass area, a last drink and
finally, it was time to head for the buses waiting outside the Varuna
gates. As the army of brave, cheerful little people was wheeled, lifted,
carried or managed to hobble to the exit, there was a farewell package
for each one at the gate, to ease their way back to Pakkred, the only
home they have ever known. This is a traditional gesture from Rotary
past president and founder of the Royal Varuna Yacht Club, the
incomparable Walter Meyer.
There were many moist eyes on the little - and not just a few of the big
- people as the buses pulled away. It was difficult not to reflect on
the vagaries of life: the innocence of the Pakkred children who have
been dealt a bad hand in the game of life, but whose minds radiate an
inner beauty which we, the able-bodied, would do well to emulate.
They will be back again next March for the 2007 “Kids Day Out” - the day
at the seaside which - even if for only a day - brings light and hope
into lives severely limited by their physical disabilities. For a number
of the children, the seaside represents a beauty which they can feel but
not see, as they turn their faces to the warmth of the south-westerlies
which caress them for a while, before they head back to their world of
permanent darkness.
Thank you Rotary and Royal Varuna Yacht Club for bringing joy into the
lives of these unfortunates.

Woo Hoo! And around we go!

Stopping for a moment to
pose with the clown is a highlight in itself.

The volunteer students
from Shrewsbury International School Bangkok, brightened the day.

Mark Marshal interviews
Eckie the famous clown. Who has the funnier face?

The Royal Varuna staff
prepared a delicious meal for everyone.

The children and
volunteers played in the sea, some for the very first time.

Guess right and win a

It was a day to remember…

The children played in the
Varuna swimming pool and enjoyed life like any child, anywhere - if only
for a day.

Rotarians enjoyed
themselves just as much as the kids.

Each child receives
special attention from fun-loving and caring volunteers.

Volunteers donated their
time freely, but they were in no way left unrewarded. Seeing laughter on
the faces of these children like this is more reward than can ever be
gleaned from anywhere else.

The moment was filled with
excited anticipation when the children alighted from the buses.

All felt the caress of the
warm south wind on their faces.

Enraptured children enjoy
Clown Eckie’s antics.

There were many toys and
games to entertain the children.

The beautiful new Varuna
Skål forges ahead in promoting
the 67th Skål World Congress in Pattaya

The panel, (seated l-r)
Suppakit Balachandra, Malai Sakolviphak, Mayor Niran
Watthanasartsathorn, Jim Power, Andrew Khoo and Panga Vathanakul. Other
participants included (standing l-r) Bob Lee, Brian Sinclair-Thompson,
President of the Skål Club of Bangkok, Chookiat Srivatjanapong, Michael
Swart, Judy Hoppe, Elfi Seitz, Peter Malhotra, Zena Tarasena, Sue K.,
Paisan Bundityanond, MC extraordinaire, and Vathanai Vathanakul.
Early last month after the visit of Skål
International Secretary General Jim Power and Congress Coordinator
Daniel Cervera to Pattaya, a press conference was held at the Tourism
Authority of Thailand offices in Bangkok.
In his welcome report Andrew Khoo, president of Skål International
Pattaya and East Thailand and chairman of the organising committee said,
“2006 will be an auspicious year for Thailand as the country celebrates
the 60th Anniversary of the Accession of H.M. The King to the Throne.
Special functions will be held all over the country throughout the year.
This year is also auspicious for Skål as the Skål Club of Bangkok
celebrates their 50th Anniversary. The milestone will be marked at the
67th Skål World Congress.”

Members of the Thai and
foreign press were quite active during the question and answer period.
Andrew went on to say, “The site inspection by Jim Power was declared
successful and Jim was very satisfied with our preparations.” He also
said that, “A welcome reception was held at the Hard Rock Hotel, hosted
by Pattaya City, which saw a host of guests from both the private and
public sector attend to give support for the dedicated efforts of the
organising committee of this world class event.”
Andrew thanked the main sponsors which included the Chonburi Provincial
Administration Organization, Pattaya Business & Tourism Association
(PBTA), Pattaya City, Thai Airways International, Thailand Convention &
Exhibition Bureau and the Tourism Authority of Thailand. He said, “We
will continue to work in earnest with the preparations for the congress
in close cooperation with Skål International and Skålleagues from clubs
in Bangkok, Pattaya & East Thailand, Koh Samui and Chiangmai and North
Panga Vathanakul, vice chairperson of the organising committee said, “We
are very happy and proud to be given the opportunity to host the Skål
World Congress. Pattaya City and many dedicated Skålleagues have worked
very hard to bring this great event to Thailand.”
She went on to say that the people of Pattaya know very well that the
results of this promotional effort will bring here at least 1500
delegates who are top management people of their travel and tourism
oriented organization from 90 countries around the world. “This will
mean that there will be a remarkable expansion in the number of tourists
to Pattaya in the years to come.” She said that pre and post tours were
also planned for the delegates so that they may travel to other
beautiful destinations in Thailand.
Mayor Niran Watthanasartsathorn reiterated that the government sector,
especially the Pattaya City administration, has thrown its full support
to the local Skål chapter in helping to make this event a major success
not only for Skål but also for Pattaya and for Thailand. He said that
all measures would be taken to help look after the comfort and safety of
the delegates. He also said, “Pattaya will begin projects to beautify
and decorate the city in such a way that when the delegates arrive, they
will be amazed at how we have turned Pattaya into a Skål City.”
Suppakit Balachandra, executive of the Advertising & Public Relations
Department of the Tourism Authority of Thailand said, “The TAT is
delighted that the Skål congress is coming to Thailand and would like to
thank Skål Thailand for making such a commendable effort. This event
will not only bring much needed revenue to the country but also raise
the confidence of the tourism sector, not to mention promoting the good
image of Thailand to the world. This also augments well for MICE which
is every country’s market dream.”
He went to say, “TAT will work with Skål Thailand and all concerned
sectors in Thailand to make this world congress the most memorable and
successful one, thus confirming Thailand as a world class destination.”
Malai Sakolviphak, presi dent of Skål International, Thailand gave an
insight to the Skål movement in Thailand, saying, “The Skål movement in
Thailand started in 1956 when a group of leaders in the tourism industry
came together to establish the Skål Club of Bangkok. The displays of
friendship and the amicable spirit by the founders and members of the
club were so impressive that they led to the formation of Skål clubs in
Pattaya and in Chiang Mai.
“To coordinate Skål activities, increase awareness of the movements and
expand coverage, the three clubs joined forces to establish the Skål
National Committee for Thailand. The efforts of the National Committee
resulted in the formation of the Skål Club of Phuket and the Skål Club
of Songkhal/Hadyai. We increased participation of Skๅl international
events, such as Asia Area Assemblies and the Skål World Congress held in
Bangkok in 1996.
“It is our pleasure to extend a most cordial invitation to all our Skål
friends to attend the 67th Skål World Congress in Pattaya from October
15 to 20, 2006.”
Having listened to all the
other speakers, Jim Power, secretary general of Skål International said
with confidence, “We are extremely happy with the arrangements which are
being made for the Congress and we would like to thank and congratulate
the local organising committee and the National Committee of Skål in
Thailand for their help and cooperation with these arrangements.
“The last time the Skål Congress was held in Thailand was in Bangkok in
1996 and it was in fact the largest Congress in recent years with more
than 1,800 people attending. This clearly shows the popularity of
Thailand as a tourist destination. It is clear that the tourism industry
in Thailand is very resilient because you have been affected in recent
years by SARS and more especially at the end of 2004 by the Tsunami. The
speed with which you appeared to come back to normal following this
terrible disaster showed your resilience in the face of terrible
“Skål, founded as an international association in 1934, is the largest
organization of travel and tourism professionals in the world, embracing
all sectors of the travel and tourism industry. Skål is the ideal
platform for ‘Doing Business among Friends’ and members are encouraged
to network with other members in the 90 countries and almost 500
locations where Skål exists.
“Skål International cares about the environment and, following the
declaration by the United Nations of 2002 as the Year of Ecotourism and
the Mountains, Skål International launched the Ecotourism Awards during
the World Congress held on Cairns, Australia, that year. These awards
are now in their fifth year. Skål values sustainable development in
tourism as the key to the industry’s future success and emphasizes and
considers ecotourism but one area of the various components of
sustainable development. This year, the award presentation will take
place in Pattaya, on 16th October, during the opening ceremony of the
67th Skål World Congress.
“Skål International is an affiliate member of the United Nations World
Tourism Organisation Business Council, one of whose missions is to
promote ethics in business, particularly the Global Code of Ethics
issued by the World Tourism Organisation, which covers peace, the
environment, security, pollution, human contacts, respect for local
culture, things that matter in our everyday lives and in the world
around us. All these things can be achieved, not just at international
level, but also locally and nationally.
“Skål is also a member of the task force on the prevention of sexual
exploitation of children in tourism and is one of the sponsors of the
Code of Conduct drawn up as a result of this task force. Skål
International, as a member of the task force, is very much aware of the
progress made by the Thai Government in bringing to justice those who
break the laws in this area and for this you are to be complimented.”
In closing Jim said, “Skål International is very pleased that Pattaya in
Thailand has been chosen as the site for the 67th Skål World Congress.
We are delighted to be in Thailand for the special anniversary of the
accession to the throne of His Majesty the King of Thailand and to
celebrate 50 years of Skål in Thailand.
“I join Skålleagues in Thailand in inviting and encouraging as many
Skålleagues to come to the congress and enjoy Thai hospitality as you
have never experienced before.”