HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Money matters

Snap Shots

Modern Medicine

Learn to Live to Learn

Heart to Heart with Hillary

Psychological Perspectives

Money matters: Pension Black Hole

Graham Macdonald
MBMG International Ltd.

A while ago we looked at the under-funding of pensions liabilities among US blue chip employers and virtually concluded that the scale of the problem allied to the generous US bankruptcy laws could result in a situation where just about every big US employer files Chapter 11 at some stage to divest their employer 401K obligations and therefore all employees suddenly end up being much worse off virtually overnight.

We would not want you to think that this is just a US problem - on our website we’ve, for some time, had an article about how the revered Swiss state pension scheme is struggling to fund its liabilities at current contribution levels (many other state schemes in Europe seem ready to throw in the towel already) and a recent report from the actuary firm Lane, Clark and Peacock (LCP) shows that there is a massive deficit on UK company pensions.

They report that the combined pension fund deficit for all FTSE100 listed companies now stands at GBP37 billion. Although there had been increased contributions from employers, a change from defined benefit to defined contribution and, obviously, a rally in the stock markets this is not nearly enough to close the gap. Indeed, Martin Slack, a senior partner at LCP, reckoned that the current trend would have to continue for another eight years before the deficit was brought down to zero. The staggering thing is that there are only three firms out of 100 that do NOT have a pension scheme deficit.

The change from defined benefit is worth looking at - in order to reduce the drain on profits, many companies have been replacing final salary schemes which guarantee a retirement income as a percentage of the employee’s final salary (the actual % being based on the amount of years an individual has worked for the company). What they have been exchanged for is money purchase plans where the company only has to guarantee how much it will pay into the pension and not how much it will be worth on retirement. This doesn’t so much solve the problem as transfer it to the individual. The scheme can’t generate enough money to cover its liabilities, so it will pay less to the members of the scheme.

Where the problems lie is that, as any regular reader of this column knows, there is expected to be a large market correction in the near future where the FTSE could lose up to 40% of its present value. This would then mean the time frame would be significantly longer than eight years for the deficit to be brought back to even manageable figures. In fact at expected rates of real return (over the level of inflation) it would start to look increasingly impossible.

The problem globally has been exacerbated by the fact that people now live longer against an unhelpful backdrop of lower interest rates - hence more money is needed to reduce the deficit. This explains why, even with the recent improved results, some employers had actually seen their deficits grow in the last twelve months and that unless they increased their contributions Martin Slack envisages them being down for “tens of years”.

Whichever way you look at it, company profits are going to be drained by the liabilities of pension fund shortfalls, individual pensions will be reduced in real terms to reduce the rate at which the shortfalls are getting worse and the bottom line is that both companies and individuals are in a worse position that they had previously thought because of this. What impact this will have on corporate balance sheets and valuations is hard to say but pension liabilities needs to become an increasingly significant factor in stock evaluation. For individuals the outcome is already being discussed - an increase in standard retirement ages to 67 or 68 is already mooted, and an increase in the minimum pensionable age from 50 to 55 becomes law over the next 5 years. Individual retirement saving is now of even greater importance then ever before.

The above data and research was compiled from sources believed to be reliable. However, neither MBMG International Ltd nor its officers can accept any liability for any errors or omissions in the above article nor bear any responsibility for any losses achieved as a result of any actions taken or not taken as a consequence of reading the above article. For more information please contact Graham Macdonald on [email protected]

Snap Shots: The 10 best tips you will ever get

by Harry Flashman

In answer to repeated requests for my best tips, I wrote these down around three years ago. They still remain my top 10, three years later. These “secrets” come from years of experience as a pro photographer, and many of them come from painful learning experiences. None of it is made up. Follow these tips and your journey through photography will be plain sailing!

Tip number 1. When you find a roll of film in your camera bag or suitcase, that you’d completely forgotten about, use it to throw at predatory poodles, rather than using it in your camera. If you do, you can be guaranteed the results will be no good at all. The colours will be all wrong because the film has been hot at some time or exposed to airport irradiation. No matter how tempting it is to slip it into the camera when you urgently need another roll of film, don’t do it! You will be disappointed. Guaranteed.

Tip number 2. When going on holidays with your camera, take spare batteries with you – always. No matter how new the batteries, if there is a failure while you are trekking in Transylvania, or just lazing on the beaches in Koh Chang you will not be able to get the correct replacement. That’s as sure as God made little green apples as the song goes. Remember that your camera may also use more than one type of battery, another trap for young players.

Tip number 3. Always carry one more roll of film than you think you’ll need when on holidays. The shot of a lifetime will appear and you will have already used all your film. And don’t use the one you’ve suddenly found in the bag – see Tip number 1.

Tip number 4. Always put exposed film immediately back into their plastic canisters. In such a container, they are protected from dust and water. They will also float when you drop one overboard and you can scoop it up with a fish net. Having managed to drop one overboard while in the Solomon Islands, after taking pictures of coral through the hull of an expensively hired glass bottomed boat, I found the truth in this tip. The film was saved!

Tip number 5. Always check that the camera neck strap is indeed tight and secure on both ends. If one end lets go, the camera will hit the ground before you have time enough to react. Guaranteed. Cameras do not bounce well, if at all.

Tip number 6. When you get the book of prints back, and the envelope with the negatives from the photo shop, immediately write on both the subject material of the shots and the date. Do this with black texta pen so it doesn’t rub off and you will have saved yourself hours of work, flicking through books of prints, while looking for Transylvania trip 2005.

Tip number 7. Never keep your camera in the glove box of your car. With the temperatures that can be reached in the cubby hole reaching as high as 50 degrees Celsius in our blazing summers, at best the film is spoiled, at worst, the camera is spoiled. The newer “plastic” bodied cameras and camera backs can actually warp with the high temperature.

Tip number 8. When you decide that you want an enlargement made of one particular shot, arrange for it straight away, while you still have the negative handy, and before it gets covered in dust and scratched, making it impossible to get a decent enlargement. And before it gets lost. See tip Number 6.

Tip number 9. Frequently check the exposure controls on your camera, that it really is set on Auto, or Shutter priority or what have you. It is very easy to knock the controls and settings when taking the camera in and out of the bag, or even when it has been hanging round your neck. That also goes for the ASA rating, which will upset every calculation worked out by the electro-brain inside your camera.

Tip number 10. Remember tips 1-9. Happy shooting!

Modern Medicine: How much exercise should I do, Doctor?

by Dr. Iain Corness, Consultant

We medicos are good at handing out advice, but not too many of us follow our own wise words. Of course, we have an excuse – we are so busy telling people what to do, that we haven’t got the time to do it ourselves. Exercise is a classic example. I tell everyone that they should build in an exercise component into their lifestyle, but my mate Alan is the only one I know who does it. For many of us, the excuse is that we don’t know how much.

My next door neighbours had a concession on Jomtien Beach. You know, the usual beach chairs and tables, umbrellas and drinks. They also had what was probably Thailand’s oldest truck. It is around 50 years old and crawls down the street every morning and evening, laden down with ice, bottles and deck chairs. Many times I have had to help the old girl into the driveway as it has wheezed to a halt half way in. But it continues to stagger on. Good enough for the job it has to do. After all, it is 50 years old.

Every morning I also see the 50 year old joggers along Jomtien Beach as I go to the office. They appear to be held together anatomically by leotard and lycra, or even older men doing what I call the “cardiac shuffle” having been advised by their doctors to get some exercise following their heart attack. I also ponder in the mornings as to whether these people are really going (jogging) down the right track?

The question, “How much exercise should I do, Doc?” is one that I have had to parry all my medical life. When I was a young buck it was easy. “You can’t get too much of it,” was my usual reply (and that just about covered everything in life!). However, now being ten years older than my neighbour’s truck I tend to be a little more conservative. More and more I have learned to look at the animal kingdom for a pointer.

What is the difference between your new puppy and the old dog it replaced? Or the kitten and the 14 year old tabby? Or the lion cub and the lord of the pride? One thing is for certain, the older animal is less active than the younger, exercises less and sleeps more. If we accept that the older members of the animal kingdom have not been advised by their doctors to train for the Octogenarian Olympics, whose advice are they following? Nature, that’s who. Mother Nature has told the old lion to lie under the tree.

Now with regard to the human animal, is Mother Nature wrong, or are the doctors on the wrong track? Actually neither is “wrong” - the correctness comes in the sensible application of advice, be that coming from within yourself or given to you. Your body, by the time it is as old as my neighbour’s truck, has already told you to slow down somewhat. Even in the “what you used to do all night now takes you all night to do” department. This is all very natural.

However, we do also know that activity is good for you, and even protective against some of the more terminal conditions that we can get, like the aforementioned heart attacks. So, sounds like plenty of jogging is good for you at any age. Not necessarily so! The secret is in the balance.

As we get older, we must stay “active” both physically and mentally. Staying “active” does not mean pushing your 50+ year old joints beyond the limits that Mother Nature intended. It really is all things in moderation. Think about it.

Learn to Live to Learn: Postcard from Bangalore

with Andrew Watson

Off on my travels again. Lucky me. This time and my first time, to India. I travelled with a sense of “about time too”, having had what should have been my first trip to India, to Mumbai eighteen months ago, untimely ripped from me.

Bangalore – on the move – but to where?

My trip was to serve three purposes. Firstly, to attend an International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP) workshop on the core and uniquely IB subject of “Theory of Knowledge”. Second, I came to look at two or more (depending on the traffic) leading educational institutions in the city and thirdly, I came to have fun, bags of it, whether at work or play.

Fun, the Beatles sang, is the “one thing that money can’t buy” and is something dear to my heart. In school, when a lesson is fun, we remember it. Actually, I reckon fun should be an essential component of any quality lesson and should preferably play a major role in any and every day of our lives.

Bangalore, I think, was sent to test my resolve on this issue. Eleven million people and one road (or so it seemed). During the daylight hours, my determination to enjoy life was tested and in the evenings, my most excellent Bangalorian companions helped celebrate our success in this regard. Of course, part by fortune and part by design, I had arrived at an auspicious time of the year – Diwali, with all its light, confectionary, colour, flair and partying.

There is something magical about arriving somewhere new for the first time and seeing it with “fresh eyes”. And yet, from the moment of my arrival to the moment of my departure, I seemed to spend an inordinate amount of time on the road. On average about three and a half hours a day. Now, anyone who has ever lived in a metropolis probably recognises that it always seems to take “an hour” to get anywhere. But Bangalore is frankly, ridiculous, yet according to the available evidence, much more fluid than either Mumbai or Delhi. Scary stuff.

There’s this brilliant scene, where an Oxen pulling a cart full of greenery is leaving the newest model Mercedes, rendered inert by the chronic congestion, for dead, in the central thoroughfare of the city, as a family of stray cows causes random havoc. Welcome to India, the world’s largest democracy, storming into the twenty first century, dragging the twentieth behind it.

My hosts, symbols of all that is brave and beautiful in this new India, professional and passionate, educated, egalitarian and erudite, required no prompting when asked about what Bangalore is missing. As one they cry, “Infrastructure!” I’m just there on a fleeting visit, but I’m witnessing my average speed on the road reduced from three figures to one. What would Einstein say? He who advocated travelling at high speed as a way of ageing slower? The important thing as far as I can see, is to make sure you’re enjoying yourself as you negotiate the craters that line any given route. That involves embracing a positive mental attitude towards life and work, an attitude I sensed was radiating from the delegates at the IBAP (International Baccalaureate Asia Pacific) workshops and their host, The International School of Bangalore (TISB).

TISB is a highly impressive school set in magnificent seclusion, with state of the art facilities. If you believe in judging a school by its students, then TISB gets an A+. Their Prefects performed wonders over three days of frenetic and impassioned IB activity. Rarely have I witnessed such regular demonstrations of initiative, attentiveness and articulation in a group of young people. On more than one occasion, amidst a group of twenty-five seasoned practitioners, they were asked to offer their view on a particular aspect of the IB diploma programme and they responded nervelessly. It was really rather impressive. Similarly, their musical expertise was evident at a dinner hosted by TISB at the Marriot. There were no cursory gestures to “cultural understanding” here.

At Shristi (meaning “Creation”) College of Art & Design, synonymous with dynamic and cutting edge work across a range of media, creativity was oozing through the floors. I woke up one morning to find a film going on in my bedroom. A perfectly true, if surreal, experience. I spoke with Geetha Narayanan, the founder and director of Shristi, about the present and future of India. It appeared less certain than I had imagined. From all that I had read and seen before my visit, the reported economic emancipation in India had generated an image of an unstoppable locomotive. Now I learned how some thought the tracks were still being laid.

The IBAP workshops lasted three days, 8.30am to 4.30pm. Workshops are a quintessential if exhausting part of allowing and encouraging implementation the IBO Mission statement into daily classroom practice. Quite apart from increasing knowledge and understanding of discreet subject areas, they raise awareness of how in the IB world, discreet subject areas are interlinked and interdependent. By bringing practitioners together from all over the region (attendees came from as far a field as Mauritius and Shanghai), they foster the sharing of resources, ideas and best practice and generate a sense of common purpose. It was an enriching, often inspiring experience, a far cry from a school I once laboured in, where I was castigated for offering another local school all my extensive, IB diploma material and where if you wanted to attend an IBO workshop, you’d have to fund it yourself, which I (apparently alone in IB world) consistently did.

As I sat in interminable traffic facing towards the airport on my way out of India, I once more considered what sustainable, well managed, strategic growth, entails. The IBAP at least, seem to understand perfectly well.

[email protected]
Next week: Responding to Demand

Heart to Heart with Hillary

Dear Hillary,
With reference to Oct. 14 edition, “Another Lonely Old fool”, may I commend your reply, and, as I was touched by the gentleman’s letter may I add to what you have written.
Firstly, an Esan wife in Thailand is easily replaceable.
Secondly, it is my understanding, that most Thai ladies living abroad do not settle very well, and yearn to return to their families and homeland. The majority who do stay, do so mainly for financial reasons, and when that goal is achieved, they, too, return to Thailand.
Considering the nature of the job and the profession (police officer) or the upstart his ex-wife has taken up with, I would think, I would give a higher that average chance of her wanting to return to Thailand, with her daughter - sooner rather than later.
I am at a loss to understand why, when his daughter was approaching school age, he was only considering local international schools for his daughter’s education. As his wife was Thai, and I assume his daughter was born here, she would have been eligible for placement in the state schools. The state schools in Thailand are good, particularly in Pattaya, and under the present government, are continually improving. My lady’s son this year stared at the Pitisampahn high school in Naglua. The total coast for the year for food, books and all his uniforms came to approx. 8,500 baht, and this was offset by a government competitive grant of 6,000 baht for the brighter students. I am also informed that junior state schools here are of the same standard and the cost even lower. From the letters I have read recently in the local press regarding international schools and my own low opinion of money-orientated services in this country, an international school would not be my choice for a child’s education.
Unfortunately this information is too late for this chap. Perhaps his return to Thailand, were he does not have to confront bigoted, narrow-minded western values, is a wise move. Also his money will go a lot further here than it will in his home country. Take heart that you discovered this wonderful country, and enjoy it again like the rest of us old codgers.
An Old Codger in Paradise

Dear An Old Codger in Paradise,
Thank you for adding your piece and I hope that the original letter writer has read all the replies and understands that life more than carries on, but moves forward into pastures new. As Tom Lehrer once said, “Life is like a sewer, you get out of it what you put into it!” (And for those of you who don’t know who Tom Lehrer was, shame on you. He was one of the finest cynics to ever come out of the USA. Look him up in Google.) However, I would take you to task, my Petal on your statement that an “Esan wife in Thailand is easily replaceable”. Certainly there seems to be a never-ending supply of Isaan (I prefer this spelling) women prepared to take on “wifely” duties, but that does not make them good wives. You are equating “wife” with “paid servant” and there is a huge difference. Certainly you will be able to find a woman to live with you, but if the emotional connection is not there, there is no depth to the relationship, and length or stability to it either. Just something to think over.
Dear Hillary
If I am not mistaken, you published the letter inquiry of Mr. Windblower at least twice in only few month? In Europe, there are quite few cars circulating and powered with pure biogas or natural gas. Biogas has a tremendous future, due to the exorbitant increase of gasoline prices. Motorbikes, might as well fit for this unlimited new source of power. The driver of a very slow moving motorbike, must therefore be your penpal, or did you invent the whole story on your desk? Well, sometimes I wonder, if letters such as the one of Mr. Blower or the notorious Mr. Singha do not cause you serious headaches?
Rolf B.

Dear Rolf B.,
Many people have doubted the existence of the Mistersingha person, but let me assure you that someone using that nom de plume regularly writes in detailing his exploits with his Isaan twins, whilst promising Hillary champagne and chocolates. The only headache that person gives me will be when he actually delivers the bubbly as I will be so surprised I will drink it all in one sitting. Fortunately, that day will never happen, so I can save the headache pills for a real ripsnorter of a pounding headache.
As far as biogas is concerned, thank you for the lecture, and perhaps I should have suggested that Windblower connect himself to his motorcycle and ride off into the sunset, though it sounds as if that would be very slowly and very noisily. Though as you say, biogas has a tremendous future, so the young man is really sitting on a sizable fortune, if he can harness the supply and be prepared to produce on demand. Could he perhaps bottle it?

Psychological Perspectives:  Can we trust our intuitions?

by Michael Catalanello, Ph.D.

A reader writes, “Years ago I ‘felt’ something was wrong with my sister. I kept trying to call her with no response. At the time I was working on a very busy switchboard and had contacts all over the place, so I rang the local exchange in the town where she was living. Two hours later I had my sister on the phone, telling me her house had burned down around the time I had tried to call her. Luckily everyone managed to get out. It was a very freaky feeling.”

Have you ever felt that you knew something without the use of reasoning or detailed analysis? Perhaps you had a hunch, a piece of knowledge for which you could not account. Are you guided by “gut instincts?” Are there advantages to heeding your intuitions?

Some peak performance gurus advocate intuitive decision making. They suggest turning off the analytical mind, and tuning into the “right brain,” a hidden source of wisdom useful for making important decisions. Is this a valid claim? Is there a reason to trust our intuition?

There is plenty of evidence that we are routinely guided or influenced by automatic or unconscious mental processes, and that these processes can serve us well. When we respond emotionally to situations, for example, we usually do so without extensive deliberative thought or analysis. If experiencing a sense of uneasiness in unfamiliar and dangerous surroundings motivates you to move quickly to a place of safety, that feeling might be considered wise or adaptive.

Irrational or disturbed emotional reactions, however, are often maladaptive. Those who refuse to board an airliner out of fear, but seem unconcerned about using earthbound automobile transportation are ignoring statistics which demonstrate the far greater danger associated with automobile travel.

There are other types of mental processes that occur outside of our awareness. If there is a task that you perform with great regularity and expertise, you probably perform it efficiently with very little conscious thought or effort, seemingly intuitively.

For many of us, driving a car is one such over-learned skill. Having driven daily for many years, we are able to do it more or less automatically, without much effortful thought. We can sing along with the radio, talk on a cell phone, converse with passengers, and even eat a snack while navigating mindlessly and more or less flawlessly through rush hour traffic.

Some people will insist following an event that, “I intuitively knew it all along.” Social psychologists have researched this hindsight judgment and found it to be notoriously error prone. Similarly, people like the above reader occasionally report experiencing a premonition, unexplained knowledge of events which later occur, or are shown to have occurred. Some people are passionately confident in the validity of premonitions, based upon remarkable experiences like this one.

A scientific explanation of premonitions usually goes like this: A premonition that is confirmed by subsequent events tends to be remembered, while premonitions of events that fail to occur are typically forgotten. The result is that people experiencing premonitions tend to overestimate the reliability of these random experiences, leaving them with a false impression of extrasensory perception.

Psychologist David Dunning and his colleagues were interested in this feeling of overconfidence we have in decisions we make. They allowed students to interview people about their backgrounds, hobbies, interests, and whatever else they wished. Following each interview, the students were asked to predict how the interviewee would respond to 20 two-choice questions.

The students guessed correctly 63% of the time, 13% better than chance; however, they felt 75% confident of the accuracy of their predictions. Studies like this have led theorists to conclude that we are biased toward overestimating the accuracy of our judgments and decisions. Could this help explain the confidence of some in the validity of their intuitions?

Human decision making is an interesting area of psychological investigation. I suppose that being human means that we are bound to make errors in our judgments. Nevertheless, as we learn more about the ways in which human decisions go awry, we might likewise sharpen our ability to think critically, possibly improving the precision of our decision making processes.

Dr. Catalanello is a licensed psychologist in his home State of Louisiana, USA, and a member of the Faculty of Liberal Arts at Asian University, Chonburi. You may address questions and comments to him at [email protected], or post on his weblog at