- HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Don’t blame Rabbit Resort
Marathon suggestions
Turn off the sprinklers
Don’t blame Rabbit Resort
Dear Editor,
I wish to reply to R. Walton’s letter regarding the
mess in the vacant lot at Dongtan Beach. I agree that the open garbage dump
there is a disgrace and should be cleaned up immediately. However, I
question the writer’s true interest in researching the cause and
addressing the culprits directly. It’s common knowledge that View Talay
owns the property to which he is presumably referring, and is planning a
project - thus far unspecified - on the land. Has Mr. Walton written to this
mega-corporation for redressal of his grievance?
I object to the sarcastic and disparaging term: “lord
and lady of Dongtan Beach” which was applied to Deborah and Paisan of
Rabbit Resort, and to the implication that they bear any responsibility for
the antisocial behaviour of their neighbours. Deborah and Paisan are among
Jomtien’s finest and most civic minded professionals, conducting their
business with unfailing attention to ecological impact. They lend their
energy and support in many ways to improve and protect the ecology of our
locality and of Thailand in general. Mr. Walton is apparently disappointed
that these good people were unable to supply a “quick fix” solution to
the problem. Rather than insulting two such valued members of our community,
he would do better to seek a solution from those responsible.
L. Scott
Marathon suggestions
To Whom It May Concern,
The Pattaya Marathon is one of the best events put on by
this city. Thousands of us experienced another day of joy in the streets.
Many thanks to all of the organizers, their assistants, all the Thai
students and the police. Your performance should be admired by all of those
who ran. We honor you with distinguished courage for all the hours you have
put into the run & gave to us.
But, if I may so kindly interject a few humble words of
constructive criticism, and I only say this because a few things were
changed this year. It’s because of these changes there was a little
disorder at the beginning of each run with runners going to the starting
line & other runners actually starting off on their own run. The
starters of the next event should come in from the other side as to be out
of the way of the runners going out.
Secondly, at the very last nanosecond the 10 km run was
changed from the map without any advanced notice. On the surface it appeared
to make our run a little longer but it was actually the correct distance.
Thirdly, this ‘extra’ distance was not covered well
by the police and/or the orange traffic lane cones that separated us from
oncoming traffic. Also the run didn’t start at the Bali-Hai Pier, it
started about 1 km south & closer to the Royal Cliff Hotel. Most if not
all of the crowd problems seemed to be in this area.
Once again to all the organizers; it was another great
event. I only offer these suggestions to make it better for next year. You
had many changes this year; we all know that changes are difficult. Good job
& don’t worry I’m not scolding you.
Jesse Salazar
P.S. maybe the 10 km could be run in the other direction
& we could get those hills out of our way while we’re fresh. Just an
Turn off the sprinklers
Dear Editor:
It’s a fruitless task to suggest anything for Pattaya
City to do to mitigate any situation, but in light of many folks having dry
water faucets lately, plus the continuing flood (pun intended) of articles
in newspapers predicting a serious annual water shortage in our area for
many more years, I must relate the following anecdote:
Twice in the last two weeks, in the midst of torrential
downpours, sprinklers on the Sukhumvit center divide from South Rd. to North
Rd. were running full blast for more than an hour. These sporadic natural
deluges are certainly adequate to water the plants. I realize in my naive
ignorance there may be some logical (or illogical) reason for this apparent
waste of water? Regardless of whether sprinkling during a rainstorm is truly
wasteful or not, it doesn’t convey any consistency in the plea to conserve
when one sees this ridiculous display of apathy. Mr. Mayor, Khun Niran
Wattanasartsathorn, for your own image, that of the city, and the spirit of
conservation, please have the gardeners turn off public sprinkler timers
until rainy season is finished.
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