- HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Collapsed building
Racist greedy baht bus drivers
Buyer beware
Online survey
Mud baths are good for you
Collapsed building
Would you buy a condo from these people? Second floor collapsed about
mid-day Sunday 15th May and was cleared in record time ... less city hall
building inspectors saw it Monday morning, I guess! Where? Hanuman corner,
Racist greedy baht bus drivers
Why Michael Round cheapened his message by 5 baht is beyond me. I cannot
vouch for the death figures he gave as figures often lie and liars often
figure. What amazes me is that he doesn’t understand the basic foundation
of the baht bus fare discussion. It isn’t that we falang cannot afford to
overpay the racist greedy baht bus drivers; it is that it action is racist
and greedy.
Let’s go back in time to mid-twentieth century America
when “Colored” people had separate water fountains, separate toilets and
let us not forget, they sat at the back of the bus. The front of the bus was
for whites only. Colored people couldn’t sit at the same lunch counter to
eat. Now let’s skip back to present time Thailand, Pattaya to be precise
where we have a fare for colored people (Thais) and for the white people
The issue is Thai racism. If Mr. Round and all the other
overpaying supporters of Thai Racism wish to not only perpetuate, but
condone such behavior that is on them. Shame on all of you. As a man of
conscience, I cannot idly stand by and watch racism in its most blatant form
continue in Thailand. It not only goes against Thai principles; it is
contrary to humanity. I realize this is the tip of the Thai iceberg, but
this is where we falangs can make a difference.
Educate both participants farang and Thai to the truth of
Thailand; it is your duty as a moral being. Refuse to subsidize racism.
Choose the harder right Mr. Round, instead of the easier wrong.
Howard Bloom
Havertown, Pennsylvania
Buyer beware
‘Condo owner’ (Mailbag April 29th) should have looked into condominium
living before committing himself. Letters to this column are testament to
fact that condo tyranny is rife, and it is essential for prospective
purchasers to ensure that properly appointed management is in place.
Thailand’s Condominium Act requires a meeting of a
development’s apartment owners (referred to as the joint or co-owners) be
held annually (AGM), and where they elect a committee to supervise
management. An exciting manager may be removed by majority vote of the
co-owners. The Act also requires the management rules (called the
‘Objective’) to be lodged at the Land Office (Pattaya branch just off
Third Road), and from where a copy may be obtained. Even a properly elected
condo committee may be reluctant to supply a translated copy of a condo’s
rules, as their power is then reduced. If a co-owner is unable to persuade
others to share in the cost of translating the Objective, it is worth the
cost to do it themselves. Being able to cite a law or rule adds considerable
weight to a complaint and helps preclude abuse. Information regarding
co-owners’ rights and common management infractions is available on the
.com website of an established Pattaya condominium.
A principle consideration in condo purchase is
maintenance and fees charged for this. The rate is set when a development is
registered as a condominium, and for it to be changed requires consent of
75% of the co-owners. However, unscrupulous committees may circumvent or
even ignore this law, which occurred at a central condo where I have an
apartment. The committee chairman (farang) ignored my complaint of fees
being charged illegally and removed my notices advising other co-owners of
the abuse, so I used the poster hung from my balcony to label him a fraud.
His response was to issue a libel action in the Pattaya Court (claiming
damages of B500,000) but which he discontinued when, in court, I refused
retract the accusation on the basis it was ‘fair comment’.
As community funds were used to finance his personal
claim, his failed attempt at financial intimation cost the people whose
rights he was elected to represent but intended to cheat some B80,000. The
whole thing was distorted in a report to co-owners and other committee
members did nothing. He steps down at AGMs but immediately assumes the
Action Chair and rules any comment or question he doesn’t like as out of
order. Attendees being of mixed nationality and already confused by language
barriers, blatant untruths ensure the proceeding is stage-managed.
Evidencing control freak mentality, the person concerned recently admonished
the particular condo’s Thai legal advisor for divulging rules to a
co-owner. For this he did get a verbal spanking but managed to retain his
position. Some co-owners recognize the abuses but prefer to sell up and move
on or, incredibly, look the other way.
Moral of the story is that resort to litigation is often
necessary anywhere in the world, but ‘Condo owner’ may find that many of
his fellow co-owners do not have the will or grit to stand up to be counted.
With condos it is as with everything else a case of buyer beware!
T. Crossley
Online survey
Dear Editor,
I am an academic at the University of New South Wales in Australia doing a
major study on Westerners now living in or who have lived in Thailand. The
study will look at characteristics of the Western resident population,
reasons for moving to Thailand, experiences in Thailand, and what factors
make for a successful stay. Any Westerner who has lived in or who currently
lives in Thailand for at least a year is invited to complete an anonymous
on-line survey form. It will take only about 10 minutes to fill out.
The link is: http://education. arts.unsw.edu.au/farang
Many thanks,
Robert Howard
Mud baths are good for you
Anyone else getting mud, and water the colour of Pepsi, out of their taps
after a rainfall? Seems the dams are now so low that a small amount of rain
and the resulting run off is enough to stir up the water producing black
water in our taps. Anyone know if this mud shower is good for my skin?
Karen Fleming
Letters published in the Mailbag of Pattaya Mail are also on our website.
It is noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and, whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be
given to those signed.