The International School Eastern Seaboard (ISE)
commemorated eleven years of providing education last week with a
school-wide celebration. Students, teachers, parents, and the community all
took part in the day-long festivities on May 13. ISE was the first
international school operating on Thailand’s Eastern Seaboard, opening its
doors back in August of 1994. The Board of Directors is “proud of the
school’s accomplishments over the last eleven years … and for the
continued development [of ISE] in support of families living in the
student Jeong plays softball against the teachers and staff.
While ISE is actually in its eleventh year of operation,
Dr. Ron Schultz, superintendent at ISE, has called this major occasion a 10
+ 1 Anniversary signifying over a decade of educating the children in
Thailand. He states, “With so many changes like IB certification happening
last year, we wanted to take the time this year to properly thank parents,
and the community who have helped us throughout the years.” A fabulous by
invitation-only appreciation banquet was held at Burapha Golf Club House,
down the road from the school, on Friday night to honor those individuals
who had been with ISE from the beginning. The night was enjoyed by both
parents and teachers who shared their memories of ISE’s past. There was a
slideshow presentation, awards, and gift giving. Three students along with
several staff members have been with ISE since Day 1. Even some of the
alumni, many of whom have since graduated, returned to celebrate the
Joan Fedoruk, the school’s first and still current
guidance counselor, reflects back and remembers most the strong community
and team atmosphere present throughout the years. She states, the school
started out small and has steadily grown over the years.
Khun Jenny, who has been with ISE since Day 1, also
enjoys looking back on the school’s progress. She remembers “helping out
with the enrollment of the original ISE class back in the Summer of 1994,
when the school had yet been built. I was working out of our temporary
office in a hotel.”
Students enjoyed the festivities with a break from the
classroom with a “Fun Day”. They participated in a pool party, had a
staff/student softball game, and enjoyed ice cream and socializing with
friends. In homeroom students were each given a commemorative 11 year
anniversary t-shirt and asked what they remembered most about their time at
Congratulations ISE for eleven years of education!
school students attend an assembly in their new t-shirts commemorating
ISE’s 11th anniversary.
school students chill out and watch their classmates and teachers play
school students Jun and Ta enjoy playing with beach balls around the pool.
teachers and students gather on the field to celebrate 10 years of