- HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:
Please announce the fares
Hole in the law
Ode to Cheap Charlies
A tainted view of Pattaya immigrants
Please announce the fares
The flora of baht-bus-scandal-letters recently has, in my
opinion, been quite narrow minded with a few exceptions. I would hereby
gladly contribute with something more fact-oriented to some of the
The 21st of April 2004 we could all
read in the “Bangkok Post” under the headline: “Public
Transport - Crackdown aimed at greedy bus operators” - something from
where I may quote a few passages, namely: “The Land Transport Department
plans to tighten its enforcement of price controls on bus fares especially
at tourist attractions”....”Bus operators found guilty of illegally
jacking up fares will face prosecution”...and lastly: “Bus operators are
required by law to post signs clearly listing fares and the drivers personal
data onboard their buses in both Thai and English. “Do I need new glasses
or not - because I cannot see that the fares are listed clearly anywhere on
any of the so-called “baht-buses” I mean the fares locally on
rout-bounded blue pick-ups in Pattaya. How comes? Why is there such a
pig-headed resistance all over the years to announce the fares on the local
pick-ups going in regular routes? Hallo all righteous servants of the
Transport Department on every level! Please do your duty! Thank you.
Naathe Rambo
Hole in the law
Dear Editor,
Perhaps someone can explain to the citizenry why the
national no smoking laws are not being enforced in Pattaya.
Air-conditioned restaurants in Pattaya have openly placed
ashtrays on their tables and are allowing customers to smoke in these
establishments. Owners of the restaurants continue to allow this even though
spoken to by customers.
Several weeks ago I called the tourist police and
discussed these violations. The officer who answered the telephone said that
he knew some businesses were not following the smoking law. His explanation
was that in Pattaya there is, “a hole in the law”
Now I’m assuming that’s another way of saying police
refuse to enforce the national no-smoking law! If so, such lack of
enforcement has “major negative implications” (via second hand smoke)
for the health and well being of customers, workers and owners in these
establishments. It also says a great deal about the government and it’s
failure to enforce laws on the health of our community.
Jonathan Hewitt
Ode to Cheap Charlies
Dear Sir,
I wonder if you would consider publishing this ode to
those among us who tend to cause friction with the locals.
Cheap Charlie,
A taxi he takes, as far as it goes
When fare is demanded, true spirit he shows
He offers 5 baht and then states his case
Its 5 baht per person no matter what race
But Charlie likes walking, the better to see,
All those coloured balloons that fill him with glee
Where he might buy a drink, but eat plenty for free
If you buy him a drink and expect he’ll buy more
What will you think as he makes for the door
When its Cheap Charlie’s round he’s thirsty no more
He sits on the beach wall, wont pay for a chair
And he’s found a poor barber, it doesn’t seem fair
50 baht only for cutting his hair
No tipping from our friend, that wouldn’t be right
It would spoil all his fun at the end of the night
When he goes to bed dreaming of some other way
For saving 5 baht on his cheap holiday.
Reluctant Spenders
Dear Sir,
I dedicate the following poem to those folks I see spread
out on the deckchairs of Jomtien Beach, and who are tempted by hotel buffets
and local food delicacies.
How come the things which are so tasty,
Foods like chocolate, cake, and pastry,
Are just the things you shouldn’t eat,
As are butter, cream, and sweet?
Junk foods and fat do take their toll,
And divert you from your diet goal;
With plaque they do your arteries clog,
Detracting from that recent jog.
Soft drinks and beer it has been noted
Fill you up and make you bloated,
And when it comes the time to weigh,
You find more kilos to your dismay.
So go instead for veg’ and fruit,
A balanced diet with root and shoot;
Those foods having the texture of a rope
May not be tasty but hold out hope.
Ian Frame
It’s quite obvious from the news reports that many
people had a tremendous “will to live” during the Tsunami crises and
fought desperately to survive the awful ordeal.
Our Will To
What is this thing called “ courage?”
How can it be defined?
And when and how in life can it
Be really underlined?
Well, physically, of course, it is
That certain bravery
Which risk the body and the heart
For all humanity
A crushing blow to any town
In time of peace or war
Inspires every human heart
To do a little more
But it takes mental courage to
Exist from day to day
And that is what we needed that Sunday
As Tsunami came our way
Courage was our will to live
A single minute longer
And with each minute of that day
We grew a little stronger.
B. Phillip Webb Jr.
Dear Sir,
It dismays me to see garbage strewn over the Jomtien
Beach pavements after weekend holidaymakers have departed, and I applaud
those unsung heroes whose job it is to clean it up. I have attempted to
capture this depressing situation in the following poem.
When the holidaymakers depart for home
The metal detectors start to comb,
And bottle collectors sift the trash
To uncover treasures to exchange for cash.
Of stinking garbage there is much to see
Spilled carelessly onto pavement free,
And folks rush past in such great haste,
Strong smells that one can almost taste.
Plastic and polystyrene lies around
With uneaten food on the ground,
And rats come out this fare to eat,
Be it chicken, rice or other treat.
This all lies waiting until the heroes come
To remove the rubbish left by some,
Who are much too lazy to use a bin,
An attitude which really is a sin.
Ian Frame
A tainted view of Pattaya immigrants
Dear Pattaya Mail;
Two letters interested me especially in the 21st January
issue along with the “Officials search for a solution to Pattaya’s water
problems” on the front page.
Firstly, poor Jonathan Hewitt was moaning about city
hall’s desecration of the beach area to the north of the Dusit Hotel and
suggesting there were more sensible pursuits for those bureaucrats to
All was explained in the “Officials Search For”
article; it went on to elucidate “Governor Pisit Ketphasook and provincial
water authorities led a brainstorming session at city hall last Friday
saying a solution must be delivered”! How’s about delivering the water
city hall!
I looked up brainstorm in the dictionary and
interestingly it says, 1 “A severe outburst of excitement often as the
result of a transitory disturbance of cerebral activity”; 2 “Sudden
mental aberration”, so take your pick.
How long has water shortage been a real problem in
Pattaya and its environs?
The building boom continues at breakneck speed with no
regard whatsoever to the infrastructure needed to cope with these
developments. Helllloooo city planners, if there is such an authority!
Witness the partially or untreated sewerage pumped out
into the sea at Jomtien Beach early in the morning before most people are
up, Pattaya now seems to have a clean sea, Jomtien’s is filthy!
Then a letter from “Opinionist” praising
“Ptyrider” for making a serious stab at complaining about the Baht Bus
Scandal, or the Organized Cheating of Westerners, saying that such behavior
is unworthy of Thailand and True Thai Values
Apologies to the “True Thais” but they are certainly
very few in Pattaya, everyone knows that a lot, if not most of the Baht Bus
Scandal is caused by influential people being in the driving seat so to
Westerners are not the only targets for scams, the Thais
are just as adept at cheating on their own fellow countrymen.
Quote from a book I read, “I have lived here for a few
years now and whilst generally appreciating the Thai’s attitude towards
life, and certainly couldn’t imagine or wouldn’t want to live anywhere
else in the world, after witnessing more than a few farangs being done by
scheming greedy Thais I think the phrase ‘The Thais are the nicest people
money can buy’ is not strictly true, the ‘Black Widow Spider Syndrome’
would seem to be more accurate.”
Be they male or female, the average Thai in Pattaya seems
inordinately adept and cunning at luring their victims into catastrophic
situations with charm and sexual bait, injecting them with some kind of drug
that renders them incapable of logical thought, sucking them dry, abandoning
the now useless to them remains, and moving onto the next victim with no
compunction whatsoever. “Get as much out of the rich bastards as you
can” seems to be the general attitude towards foreigners, as one of my
Thai friends calls us.
Luckily there are a few not rotten apples in the barrel,
and they more than compensate for the baddies by being amongst the sweetest,
most genuine, loving, kindest humans on this planet
Letters published in the Mailbag of Pattaya Mail are also on our website.
It is noticed that the letters herein in no way reflect the opinions of the editor or writers for Pattaya Mail, but are unsolicited letters from our readers, expressing their own opinions. No anonymous letters or those without genuine addresses are printed, and, whilst we do not object to the use of a nom de plume, preference will be
given to those signed.