HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]:

Missing - Martin Pentland

How do they intend to do that?

(Another) Response to David Parsley’s letter

Brit Jap pride and shame [reply]

Missing - Martin Pentland

Dear Sir\Madam;
We are desperately trying to find my brother, Martin Pentland, 32 Park Avenue, Seaburn, Sunderland SR6 9DJ. Tel. 0044 0191 5485648. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated in finding him.

My brother, Martin Pentland, was supposed to meet up with friends in Thailand on Wednesday 7/7/04 at the Euro Star Hotel in Pattaya but never arrived. His friends are currently still in Thailand and can be contacted on mobile 00353872443805, Adrian.

Gulf Air have confirmed he was definitely on the flight to Bangkok. His flight arrived in Bangkok 9.50 a.m. 7/7/04 flight 150 Gulf Air. He was travelling to Pattaya from Bangkok.

We have contacted the police in the UK and reported him as a missing person, they have told us they will contact the foreign office.

He is 5ft 6", with ginger/blond hair and green eyes. Please see attached photo.

If you have any information for us please contact our mother in the UK on 0044 0191 5485648, or e-mail myself at [email protected]

Thank you for your assistance.
Yours sincerely,
Maria Russell

How do they intend to do that?

So the UK is going to prevent us expats coming back on to the NHS. I would like to know how they intend to do that. If I go back and have my British passport, how can they stop me? Aussies, and the rest of the commonwealth, have been doing it for as long as I can remember. And we also have Eastern block immigrants getting all the benefits. I have never heard of a case of anyone being refused at NHS hospitals.

To stop a British citizen who has worked and contribute to taxes/NHS stamps all his life, and has a full UK pension, would be very difficult.

Another way round access to the NHS is to have a UK address.

Worse case scenario, I have to go back with some life threatening illness - well, you’ve got to die sometime. If the NHS throws me out on the street, it will happen sooner, and would be a mighty embarrassment for the government. My family can then take them to court.

Meanwhile I have saved all those insurance premiums and spent them more wisely on a companion here in fun city who would look after me if I fell ill, for say 10-15000b a month. I would rather give it to her/him than an insurance company, which would try and look for a default in my claim.
Matt Anderson

(Another) Response to David Parsley’s letter

Dear Editor
I am writing to you regarding Mr Parsley’s letter in last week’s Mail. I am not to sure what his headline is supposed to mean? Pride & shame, I hope he means the Pride in which the British soldiers fought & died constructing the Death Railway & Shame of the Japanese who tortured & beheaded our brave soldiers to build the Death Railway here in Thailand.

The U.K is full of people like Mr Parsley who have never served in the armed forces (I served 5 years in the French foreign legion). Mr Parsley is typical of many so-called Brits now, where they want to forget the past, well I for one will not!

Back in the U.K., council town halls are not allowed to fly the Union Flag as it might offend the ethnic minorities, what a joke, but it is true. I can’t see that happening in Thailand somehow.

Mr Parsley talks about hatred & suspicions & the coming of the new millennium as if the new millennium will change history, maybe we can forgive but we will never forget!

I am British & proud of it, that’s why I get on so well with the Thai people of Pattaya, who are proud of being Thai. Neither the Brits nor the Thais are racist. I think Mr Parsley would like to change the history books if he could. As for the Brits, all the Thais I know say that at least you know where you stand with a Brit.

Mr Paul Beenham


Brit Jap pride and shame [reply]

Your correspondent David Parsley has really spent too long in his teepee smoking the peace pipe. If he can’t tell sarcasm, the man is in trouble. I am glad the Japanese aren’t racist and only deport people from the World Cup for having tattoos [personal experience on that one] and they beheaded prisoners of war who surrendered because they were inferior. I am sorry mate but there will always be hate in the world, however many Zen and reiki healing group meetings you go too.
Chris Henderson

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