HEADLINES [click on headline to view story]: 

Thousands of smiles all around as Pattaya holds numerous activities for National Children’s Day

The Road Toll. How much will we accept?

How to play the bagpipes

Thousands of smiles all around as Pattaya holds numerous activities for National Children’s Day

Suchada Tupchai 

The second Saturday in January in Thailand has long been associated with the nation’s future in as much as it has been declared National Children’s Day. This year on January 10, children around the country joined in many activities as part of the annual festival.

In Pattaya, there were smiles all around as thousands of children from all corners of the community attended a multitude of fun and games organized for their benefit.

Pattaya police held their party for many children at the Soi 9 precinct, where officers conducted games, provided live music and karaoke for hundred of children. Pol Col. Kamolchai Tiengrungroj said, “We are extremely happy to have the kids at the station today. It is an opportunity for the community to see a different side of the police force and not just enforcing the law.”

Pattaya city administration officials also conducted games for the kids within the police station car park.

Alcazar on Pattaya Second Road was by far the best place to be as the entire car park was filled with children, parents and party organizers who provided entertainment, games and gifts for the children and many minders were present to ensure safety and security for those who had come to partake in the festivities.

In North Pattaya, Tiffany’s Show held their own party for children inside the theater hall, drawing hundreds more kids and parents to participate in fun and games, while also being entertained by the Tiffany’s show troupe.

Many of the city’s shopping centers and hotels also held their own functions for children including a special screening of “Finding Nemo” at the SF Multiplex, drawing huge interest from hundreds more kids. Back at the Royal Garden Plaza, a special ‘Pattaya Jungle’ party was arranged for many more kids in waiting.

The Redemptorist Pattaya Orphanage continued with their annual traditional fun. Despite having lost two of their beloved ‘fathers’, Fr. Ray Brennan and Fr. Patrick Morrissey, they managed to host a special sports day for the orphanage children.

This year, Prime Minister Taksin Shinawatra urged the nation’s youth to remember to “love and honor their parents, their country, be dutiful students and do their best in school.” He added that they are the country’s future and it will be bright if they follow these basic precepts in their daily lives.

Mayor Pairat Suthithamrongsawat reads an address from Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra for National Children’s Day 2004 at Pattaya School No. 6.

These young tots show their talents on stage with the Chicky Dance.

The cheerleaders squad from Arksorn Technical college prepare for their set on stage.

Kids from School No. 4 dig into some sweets after winning prizes in the numerous games played.

These youngsters exhibit their finesse with traditional dancing.

Its not often you see police dress up in school uniforms. Pattaya police from the PR department were on hand to provide entertainment for the children.

One dad shows his son on how to fly paper airplanes.

Kids showing they’ve also got some fighting spirit in them with the self defense demonstration.

Generous police dish out ice cream for the kids at Soi 9.

Long legged clowns make their way through the crowd giving out balloon animals to the children at Central Festival Center.

Pattaya Orphanage volunteers entertain their charges.

The Pattaya Jungle was well stocked with animals from the Khao Kheow Open Zoo. The giant yellow python fascinates these children.

Pol. Gen. Sant Sarutanont, National Police Bureau Chief presents lucky winners with prizes in the fun and games at the Royal Garden Plaza.

Pol. Gen. Sant Sarutanont, National Police Bureau Chief presents funds raised from the activities to Somsak Tunruangsri, cluster general manager Pattaya Marriott Resort & Spa to go towards the hotel’s Spirit to Serve Our Communities project.

Carrefour had plenty of activities for children on center stage.

Balloon stomping at Pattaya School No. 4 was loud and boisterous, just how it’s supposed to be!

Kids watch their parents return to their second childhood in joint parent child games.

Free haircuts from those nice people at the Princess Sirindhorn Vocational College.

Parents and children stormed the Alcazar car park for a day of wild shows and games.

The Donut Eating contest at Carrefour Pattaya was popular and provided a lot of laughs.

Kids will be kids!

The Road Toll. How much will we accept?

Dr Iain Corness

Last Wednesday Dr. Iain Corness was the guest speaker at the Rotary Club of Jomtien-Pattaya at their weekly meeting held at the Royal Cliff Grand Hotel.

Irked by the senseless loss of hundreds of lives in the road carnage during the New Year holiday, Dr. Iain spoke about Road Safety. He was quite blunt and critical about the way the authorities had mishandled the situation and gave many thought provoking suggestions as to how this problem could be remedied.

Dr. Iain has been a campaigner on road safety issues for many years. In Australia he was involved with the National Road Safety Council as a resource person and lecturer. In motor racing he was on the Track Safety Committee, a position he also carries out in Thailand and he was also the medical officer for the Confederation of Australian Motor sports. He has been involved with driver training both in schools and for other associations who asked for assistance, such as the Ferrari and Porsche Clubs of Australia, and he has been involved with groups here in Thailand where he has given instruction courses in safe driving at the Bira Racing Circuit.

All progress has a price.
From the day we
stepped down from the trees and started on that long journey towards today, we have measured progress with only one yardstick. Unfortunately, that yardstick is human life itself.

As the pace of progress has accelerated over the past century, that cost of progress has also escalated. Whether it be electricity, dams, air travel or motor cars, our embracing of these elements of progress has been at the cost of countless human lives. It has become an accepted part of progress that there is an acceptable cost.

There will be those who will argue that even one life lost is too high a price. There will also be those who feel that in all fields of human endeavour must be a certain risk. No risk, no reward. Different societies also put different values on human life. An acceptable level for one may be totally unacceptable for another.

Looking specifically at the road toll and attempting to be a pragmatist has meant that I too have had to examine what level I find acceptable. To quantify this in numbers defies my psychology. My medical training tells me that all of life is sacred. One death is too much. My scientific training tells me that any machine has the power to kill. My engineering experience tells me that no matter how safe any machine can be in its operation, human beings will operate it in an unsafe manner. Motor vehicles are purely machines. On their own they kill no one. It is the way we use them that kills.

To eliminate unsafe use of motor cars requires education and legislation, and even then it will not stop the road toll completely. There will always be errors, mistakes, mistiming and “bad luck”.

Those errors, mistakes and bad luck has resulted in 902 deaths over the New Year period as reported by the Public Health Ministry’s Narainthorn Centre. This is appalling.

Did you also know that before the Xmas-New Year holidays last year there was a concerted drive to ensure the safety of vehicles driven on our roads? Many of the auto and motorcycle manufacturers got behind the government sponsored project to give free safety checks and discounted parts to result in fewer un-roadworthy vehicles on our roads. Service organizations were also behind this, with free motorcycle safety checks. This was being touted as a great way to lower the holiday road toll. Did it work? It most certainly did not – the road toll has been steadily going up.

What was ignored were the statistics produced by the RSA (Road Safety Audit) in Thailand. The auditing showed that when looking at the cause of accidents, 83% were caused by reckless driving, 16% were classified as “other” and 1% of the accidents were caused by vehicle condition. In other words, all that huffing and puffing was looking at 1% of the accidents and ignoring the other 99%. Scarcely logical. All those free motorcycle checks might have a bearing on 1 percent of the road toll. 1 percent, ladies and gentlemen.

Getting back to this year’s 902 souls lining up at the pearly gates, the compelling figures for me were not the gross number, but actually who was being killed. Guess what? Most cases of death or injury involved motorcycles, said the government report compiled from Dec 29 to Jan 4. Most accidents happened on highways and involved motorcyclists and passengers not wearing crash helmets.

At last, are we at the stage where we can point the finger in the correct direction? Of course we are, but what are we going to do with the knowledge that 83% of accidents are caused by reckless driving or riding, and of those who are killed (this year around 80 percent) are motorcycle riders and passengers without helmets?

Here is the ‘official’ stance as put forward by the government minister in charge. He said he would put a road accident proposal to cabinet. Better road safety measures were needed, harsher punishment for drunk drivers and more breathalysers for police. Highway and local police would be asked to monitor road safety on highways and the traffic fine-sharing and traffic engineering systems would be improved. Accident insurance would be revamped by sharply increasing premiums for people involved in multiple road accidents and reducing premiums for those with clean accident records.

The PM got into the act too, being reported in a major Bangkok daily as saying that measures to reduce accidents during the New Year festival did not fail and he believed authorities had done their best. Ungentlemanly conduct, disregard of traffic rules, disrespect shown to other road users and recklessness were major causes of the holiday road death toll, he said.

Can you see through the smokescreen? The government is jumping on the western model bandwagon with threats of breathalyzers and speed guns on motorways. Why not? After all, the slogan “Speed Kills” has been waved as the call to the faithful for many years. It incidentally has led to enormous revenues for the western police forces, with hidden speed cameras being the method of choice.

I am not going to debate the case for and against breathalyzers and speed cameras, being quite conversant with the problems associated with the alcohol impaired driver, but I also know that the concept “Speed Kills” is an oversimplification – speed by itself does not kill, it is the sudden stop that does it.

Where I would take the slavish following of this western model to task is in the appropriateness for the local situation in Thailand. The traffic itself is quite distinctly different in Thailand vis-เ-vis America, Europe, UK or Australia, all countries using the aforementioned breathalyzer/speed camera approach to lower the road toll. Cause and effect being touted as the reason behind it all. Back to Booze and Speed Kills.

The reason that following this line of approach does not work in Thailand can be quickly seen by looking at the analysis of road traffic and deaths. By far the majority of vehicles on the roads here are motorcycles, not cars as in the west. Subsequently the majority of road deaths comes from motorcycle accidents, not cars. One does not need rocket science to work that one out. These motorcycle accidents were also not caused by mechanical failure of the machine, brakes, tyres etc., so all the good intentions of those running charity motorcycle clinics will obviously come to naught. The vast majority of these fatal accidents are also not caused by excessive speeding – inappropriate perhaps, but not excessive. And of course alcohol plays a major part in the inappropriate road behaviour, no-one would deny that.

What also comes out of the analysis is the fact that what kills these motorcyclists and pillion passengers is the unprotected skull bouncing down the bitumen. And speeds from around 12 kph is enough. Speed Kills? No, as I said before, it is the sudden stop that does it. By the way, for all those people who think that I am exaggerating, try jumping out of your car at 12 kph on to your head. Get your relatives to tell me how right I was.

So how do we stop this (probably alcohol induced) carnage? Speed guns and breathalyzers on the motorways will obviously not catch motorcycles, as motorcycles are banned from the motorways anyway. So perhaps the answer is to ban motorcyclists drinking alcohol? Stop alcohol sales at the pumps? For these to have even the slightest impact on drunken riding is wishful thinking. The rider can buy his or her booze at the 7-11, and to change the way society thinks takes at least three generations. We do not have the luxury of all those generations.

Back to breathalyzers – this time in the cities? Now is the time to be realistic. Can any police force check every motorcyclist in town on any one night or day? Of course not. Certainly picking off one in every ten motorcyclists might net a few and scare some others, but it will hardly put a dent in the figures.

There is only one, very well documented way to stop motorcycle fatalities. Compulsory wearing of crash helmets. It has overnight lowered the road toll in countries that have adopted the helmet rule. Neurological wards have shrunk in size after 90 percent of their patients are no longer coming up from ER after falling off their motorcycles on to their heads.

Thailand does have statutes requiring motorcycle riders to wear a helmet. Why has this not worked? The helmet rule has not produced the lowering of the road toll, because quite simply the rule-makers are not enforcing the rules. The riders are simply not wearing them.

Where the helmet rule also falls down is that there appears to be no standards set down covering the capacity of the helmet to do its job – protecting the skull from impact. Some of the thin plastic ‘helmets’ are not as sturdy as some ice cream containers for sale in the same supermarkets where you can buy the 199 baht plastic scalp warmer (I refuse to call it a helmet).

It was the Bell helmet people many years ago that ran the brilliantly simple ad – “If you’ve got a $10 head, wear a $10 helmet.” How true! What is needed is for the authorities to insist that retail outlets only sell helmets that meet a world recognized standard. Now I also know full well that the “better” helmets are more expensive – but please say aloud the Bell helmet advertising slogan! If you are riding a 40,000 baht new bike (or even a 20,000 baht second-hand motorcycle), then you can afford 1,000 baht for a good helmet. You just budget for it.

So what should be done? Promulgation of a road rule that designates the minimum standard needed for helmets is a start. Follow this with the requirement that the helmet must be done up, and every person on the motorcycle must wear one. It is a simple rule to police. Bare heads are readily visible, as opposed to trying to pinpoint a rider with a belly full of booze.

The ability to lower the road toll in Thailand is in the hands of the legislators and the law enforcement agency - the police. Will we see progressive, preventive thinking and the laws enforced, or will we see breathalyzers and speed guns? One course of action will work, but the other gets more kudos for the legislators and doesn’t stir up the compulsion and civil rights debate.

Songkran 2004 will soon show which way the coin has fallen. The prophet of doom has spoken.

How to play the bagpipes

Annie Cannon

The bagpipes, or more colloquially ‘the pipes’, is a pluralistically singular instrument, the music of which is either liked or loathed. It is a junior member of that vast array of wind instruments, whose chieftains may be said to be the great grand pipe organs of the Gothic cathedrals or that majestic musical engine of the fairground, the steam Calliope.

It can be ranked with the trumpet, the bugle, and the drum as a military instrument. But unlike the authoritarian tenor of the trumpet, whose fanfare heralds the announcement of great events or news, or the note of the bugle whose sound begets a movement to a prearranged order, or the drums whose cadence measures the pace of the march or stroke of an oar; the pipes, when skirling, is the music of heroic action and vitality and in lament they give comfort to hearts of the mourning.

The pipes are an instrument that has to be given life to be heard. Unlike other wind instruments that when lying dormant can produce a note on a breath, or the stringed instruments that produce a note at a touch, the pipes must be fondled and coaxed into life by their player.

In idleness they could be said to resemble the form of a goose that has had a brief encounter of the terminal kind with a semi-trailer on a motorway; that is, flat, splayed and multicoloured. Flat, in that the bag is deflated, splayed in that the wooden drones, chanter and blow-stick are spread-eagled and multicoloured owing to the tartan or plaid of the bag cover.

To give them life one picks up the bundle of leather, cloth and sticks, as gently as one would an injured kitten. The bag, of elk hide within its tartan cover, is gently gathered in the crook of the left arm, with its neck facing forward. The neck of course is connected to the chanter, which will hang down ahead droopily. In the nape of the neck is found the blow-stick to which is attached the mouthpiece, which should now be placed between the lips. Aft of the blow-stick down the spine of the bag are three more sticks, namely the bass drone and the two tenor drones. The sticks should be so arranged that they lead to the left, over the left shoulder. These sticks and pipes are made of African Blackwood and, in the case of the blow stick, may be beautifully carved. Here a word of warning: if you are the type of person who gets an erotic sensation from stroking a Jacobean table leg, then the pipes are not for you.

Now with the bag gently grasped under the left arm and balanced forward in the palm of the right hand, the fingers of the left hand bearing on the stock of the chanter, take a very deep breath, expanding ones chest to the utmost and then gently exhale and inflate the crushed elkskin until the bag beneath your arm takes its shape. It should be noted that ladies whose cup is anything larger than an ‘A’ size, would be better off playing the Recorder.

Once the bag has taken its form the pipes are ready to play.

So now, gently, commence moving the left elbow in a reciprocating sideways motion alternately squeezing and releasing the bag whilst breathing evenly into the mouthpiece. The result should be a continuous indeterminate droning sound being emitted by the three drone pipes. Blow a little harder and manipulate the fingers over the holes in the chanter and with luck a note may issue from the chanter sole that has some semblance to a note in the diatonic scale; alternatively it may sound like the last scream of a cat in-extremis. Do not lose heart; bear in mind that in adversity, perseverance is the best way forward.

In your first exercises on the pipes, it is best to concentrate on blowing a single recognisable note, any note, it doesn’t matter at this stage. Once this is achieved, one can then go on to another note and remember you only have the notes A, B, C, D, E, F and G, never mind the sharps and flats, these can come later. Once you can trill comfortably up and down the scale the time has come to attempt a tune, which of course is a series of notes played consecutively. Stick to something simple, ‘Annie Laurie’, ‘Danny Boy’ – ‘The Barren Rocks of Aden’ or ‘Scotland the Brave’ should be left until you are more accomplished.

You will no doubt be aware that the pipes are considered by some to be the most environmentally unfriendly of instruments, hence the reason for many pipers to march up and down outside whilst they play. Thus as a complete novice, the best place to commence learning the bagpipes is at Lands End, where the pipes are not appreciated and if one practices and walks, say, a mile or two a day, one will ultimately reach John ‘o Groat’s where they are and by which time you will be able to play like the Cock o’ The North.

Finally, do not try to sing whilst playing the pipes, apart from being nigh impossible unless you have some form of nasal deformity, the results can only add to the miseries of abuse and brickbats that will be cast your way as you noisily pass by the mass of the great unwashed on your way from Land’s End to John o’Groats.

Skal International